• Triggered messaging - Automated messages that are sent when a reader performs a specific action must be in place before the very first email is sent out.  Automated messages to consider are those that are tied to unsubscribe actions and purchases made to name a few.  It gives you an opportunity to cross-sell or to get feedback on why they might have unsubscribed.
  • Autosend messaging - Autosend messages are those that are timed to send at specific intervals like weekly or monthly.  They provide a touch point with the subscriber and containt non time-sensitive content that the subscriber would find useful like how to's, tips, tricks, etc.
  • Share function - Make sure your email platform can include Social Media share options into your email campaign. For example, Constant Contact will let you share the post on your social platforms and offer subscribers links to share on theirs.   
  • Segmentation - Every email should be targeted and every email platform provides this functionality.  After capturing sign-up data, segment subscribers into appropriate lists or let them select at registration.  Lists can be useful to target market to specific groups that are only interested in that particular topic or product.
  • Utilize email platform APIs to integrate with other business applications.
Email can be a very useful and engaging form of communication if it is used correctly.  Have fun and see what happens.